Home Volume 11 No2 2021 The Teaching and Learning Nexus in Secondary School Chemistry Classes in Samoa

The Teaching and Learning Nexus in Secondary School Chemistry Classes in Samoa


Faguele Suaalii, National University of Samoa


This paper reports on subsequent explorations of the findings of a recent study, which investigated the teaching and learning nexus in secondary schools’ chemistry classes in Samoa. In particular, the report explores barriers and support factors that affect achievements in Year 12 chemistry. The exploration utilises classroom observations, archival records, work samples and semi-structured interviews, in order to investigate both students and teachers’ perceptions of barriers and successes to the students’ achievements. The aim of the paper is to stimulate educators and policy makers to become aware of the relatively large number of factors, which contribute to students’ achievement in Year 12 chemistry in Samoa secondary school classrooms. The research also aimed to support the Samoa Development Strategy 2016/17—2019/20 (SDS), in relation to improving access to and quality of education. The examination of the data suggests that barriers include teaching and learning expectations, motivating factors, classroom teaching practices, and learning styles.

Keywords: Science Education, Teaching Chemistry, Contextual learning, Learning expectations

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