Home Volume 7 no.1 Is There a Link?: The Effect of Attitude toward Television Advertisement, Brand...

Is There a Link?: The Effect of Attitude toward Television Advertisement, Brand and Purchase Intention.


Bernadette Samau, Tapu Iemaima Gabriel and Hobart Sasa, National University of Sāmoa.


Television Advertising as a medium of Communication is largely used by companies in Sāmoa to inform, persuade and remind consumers of their products and services. The study investigated the relationship between Attitude toward Television Advertisement (Aad), Attitude toward Brand (Ab) and Purchase Intention (PI) with a particular focus on consumers in Sāmoa. A real product advertisement by Sāmoa Beverage Company (SBC) was chosen for the study. Through convenience sampling, the primary data was collected from 60 students of the National University of Sāmoa. The conceptual Framework was adopted from Wahid & Ahmed 2011 studies. The nine‐item scale used to measure Consumer’s attitude toward advertising (Aad) over intention to purchase the advertised product (PI) and Consumer’s attitude toward brand (Ad) over intention to purchase the advertised product (PI) was largely adapted from Putrevu and Lord (1994), Taylor and Hunter (2002) and Wu and Chen (2008) studies. It was found that (1) consumers’ attitude towards advertising has significant and positive influence towards brand and intention to purchase the advertised products; and (2) consumers’ attitude towards brand has significant and positive influence over intention to purchase the products that are advertised. Findings from the study support the importance of television advertising as a marketing tool to help build positive consumer behaviour towards advertised products and services. This study provides a first insight on Sāmoan consumer’s behaviour toward a locally designed TV advertisement.

Keywords: Advertising, Consumer Attitude, Attitude towards Advertisement, Attitude towards Brands, Purchase Intention, Consumers, Sāmoa.

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