Home Volume 13 No1 2023 Facebook in Higher Education: Proposed Model for Sustainable Education in the Faculty...

Facebook in Higher Education: Proposed Model for Sustainable Education in the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (FoBE) at the National University of Samoa (NUS)


Rafia Naz, National University of Samoa

Eric Clem Groves, UN Women, Samoa


This study seeks to elucidate the plausible Higher Education (HE) consequences amassed via Facebook as a tool of HE in the context of the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (FoBE) at the National University of Samoa (NUS). It further expounds on the contests/complications in HE amid the backdrop of sustainable education. Scarcity of research calls for a deliberated narration establishing the prominence of sustainable education. The proposed model is expedient for policy makers, educational practitioners, stakeholders of the university and for governance policy and planning. The outcomes of this study would augment both the international and local literature with scholarship
pertaining to themes of bourgeoning prominence in aid of augmenting improvements in HE.

Keywords: Social media, sustainable education, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, National University of Samoa

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