Home Volume 10 No.2 2020 Jumping the Institutional Repository Bandwagon: Inferences for the National University of Samoa...

Jumping the Institutional Repository Bandwagon: Inferences for the National University of Samoa (NUS)


Rafia Naz, National University of Samoa


In this digital era where educational institutions are operating in a digital environment, many have realised the significance of jumping the institutional repository (IR) bandwagon. An institutional repository fundamentally premises on amassing, handling, preserving and publicizing scholarly works generated in a digital form by academia, scholars, and students in universities. The repositories correspondingly function as an inclusive databank of the parent institute, which in turn expedites knowledge sharing and management of research scholarship, enhances discernibility and extensive access, promotes speedy dialogues on research, and certifies long term preservation of documents. This enquiry principally deliberates on the benefits and challenges of institutional repositories (research repository) and it’s inferences for NUS. The tenacity is to persuade stakeholders of the academia that it is time for them to exploit ICTs and jump the institutional repository bandwagon.

Keywords: Institutional repository, National University of Samoa, Higher education (HE), Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

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