Home Volume 10 No.2 2020 Consumer Attitudes towards Segregated Waste Management Practices: Policy and Marketing Implications for...

Consumer Attitudes towards Segregated Waste Management Practices: Policy and Marketing Implications for the National University of Samoa (NUS)


Eric Groves and Rafia Naz, National University of Samoa


This research explores consumer attitudes towards segregated waste management practices. It discusses NUS’s community waste management initiative, the interim waste management plan, followed by the need for a waste management policy for NUS. This research also deliberates on the predominant role of the University’s partnership with the Samoa Recycling and Waste Management Association (SRWMA) for the successful sustainment and marketing of segregated waste management practices at NUS. This study further presents the NUS and SRWMA Marketing Project through its Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (FoBE) and Governance, Policy and Planning (GPP) division to collaboratively implement and increase market outreach.

Keywords: waste management, NUS, waste segregation, SRWMA, policy, marketing, consumer

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