Home Volume 9 2019 Evaluating the Implementation of the National Information and Communication Technology Policy (NICTP)...

Evaluating the Implementation of the National Information and Communication Technology Policy (NICTP) 2012–2017 in Sāmoa: a Review of the Literature


Victoria Lepou, National University of Sāmoa


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a powerful tool that helps organisations participate in the global market through promoting political accountability, improving service delivery and enhancing development. Its use is becoming progressively more widespread throughout the political, social, economic and cultural development of various countries (Purnomo et al 2010: 1). What better way in this new era and age to reach out to citizens through these technologies? This technological advancement has become a tool for empowering citizens by giving them access to information as well as enabling community participation. However, the development and implementation of policies to guide the advancement of this tool has been challenging. This paper will discusses these challenges and related strategies as stated in the relevant literature.

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