Home Volume 8 2018 To Walk Under Palm Trees, The Germans in Sāmoa: Snapshots from Albums...

To Walk Under Palm Trees, The Germans in Sāmoa: Snapshots from Albums – Part One


To Walk Under Palm Trees, The Germans in Sāmoa: Snapshots from Albums – Part One (Tony Brunt. Apia, Sāmoa Historical & Cultural Trust, 2017. 250 pp., illus., notes, refer.)

Safua Akeli Amaama, National University of Sāmoa

Tony Brunt’s book To Walk Under Palm Trees, The Germans in Sāmoa: Snapshots from Albums—Part one’ (2017) is a rare collection of historical photographs showcasing German settlers in Sāmoa. Prior to its publication, the images were part of an online photographic exhibition of the same name for the Museum of Sāmoa in 2013 and 2014. Brunt has now transferred the exhibition beyond the digital portal to include a tangible text for the public. Funded by the Sāmoa Historical and Cultural Trust, the photographic quality of images is impressive, as is the restoration work which has enabled public viewing of these private collections.

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