Home Volume 2 A Tale of Two Quarries: Investigating Prehistoric Basalt Adze Production on Tutuila...

A Tale of Two Quarries: Investigating Prehistoric Basalt Adze Production on Tutuila Island, American Samoa


Quent Winterhoff and David E. Rigtrup Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon


This current article compares the reduction strategies occurring at two basalt adze production sites in Tutuila, American Samoa – AS-32-13b in Malaeloa Valley and Tataga Matau northeast of Leone. Flake Aggregate Analysis was utilized to examine the sites lithic assemblages by size, cortex and diagnostic flake types. The resultant data highlights key differences found in Samoan adze production, which reflect changes in the larger economic realm.

KEYWORDS: Samoa, Tutuila, Quarry, Adze, Lithic analysis.

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